Published Writing
Elm Mott and Waco fire departments worked together to put out a house fire around 5 p.m. Tuesday in an Elm Mott neighborhood. Officials were uncertain of the cause of the fire. Photo credit: Trey Honeycutt
At approximately 5 p.m. Tuesday, firefighters responded to a house fire in Elm Mott, located about 15 minutes north of Waco.
The fire was so large the Elm Mott Fire Department requested assistance from the Waco Fire Department to combat the fire. The blaze attracted attention from friends and neighbors, who watched the joint efforts of the two fire departments to put out the fire.
One of the home’s residents, Ms. Brown, said her house didn’t stand a chance against the flames.
“The whole thing was gone in about 25 minutes,” Ms. Brown said.
The cause of the fire is still unknown, but Ms. Brown speculates it was caused by a window air-conditioning unit that was recently installed.
Heritage Creamery's cookies are homemade and fresh daily. Photo credit: Trey Honeycutt
The mid-afternoon sun shines through the windows on students studying and enjoying the company of friends. Aromas of silky smooth ice cream and homemade biscuits permeate the air.
Heritage Creamery and Milo Biscuit Company, both located on Eighth Street, across from Baylor’s campus, have recently opened their doors to the public and are looking to make an impact, or establish a heritage, for years to come.
Heritage Creamery is owned by Blake Batson, also the owner of Common Grounds. He is a Baylor graduate with a degree in philosophy.
Batson, in an effort to have a greater impact and to fill the needs of the community, also became a business partner with Corey McEntyre, a businessman from Nashville.